Joseph L. Thomas III

Joseph L. Thomas III has lived and served in Kalamazoo County for almost 30 years. Most of this time has been focused on the betterment of young people. Joe firmly believes, "what has been poured into me, should be shared with others." He has worked in Kalamazoo County Government for over 27 years. All his time and his focus has been centered around juvenile justice. His passion for helping youth started when he was employed as a guidance worker in the Kalamazoo Juvenile home in 1993. Soon later he transitioned to an Intake Investigator within the 9' Circuit. After serving in many different Probation Officer roles, he was given the opportunity.

He was promoted to a leadership role and helped design a new after-school program called Kalamazoo Empowering Youth for Success (K.E.Y.S) in 2015 within the Court. Currently, he manages 14 juvenile probation officers who serve over 120 youths on probation.

Outside of work, his desire to help youth is fulfilled as a Minister, Adverse Childhood Experiences (A.C.E.) Master trainer, and serves on many committees all focused on providing hope and opportunities to young people