Vision: The vision of Kzoo LEADERS is to expand on the current services offered, as well as restructure our training and mentorships to offer additional support and solutions to many of the mental health issues that we've seen dramatically increase in our youth since covid. We are excited to develop partnerships with skilled professionals and organizations to provide training in areas such as emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, anger management, depression and anxiety. We aim to equip children with skills that will help them navigate through life's many challenges and give them alternative solutions when processing their emotions. It has been proven statistically that children who develop these leadership values consistently throughout their childhood will rely on these skills when faced with challenges throughout their lifetime. Studies have also shown that children who are involved in extracurricular programs are more likely to stay out of trouble. These successful new leaders of our future generations will lead with respect, demonstrate work ethics, and give back to their communities. Their ambition within their respective fields and careers will be revealed and ultimately enable them to accomplish great things, promote leadership values, and inspire others to service.
Mission: To provide leadership training, athletic camps and self-development skills to educate and empower today's inner city and underrepresented youth. Kzoo LEADERs is actively cultivating global leaders for the future. The results of this training have been repeatedly proven and include, (but are not limited to) a positive and clear outlook as well as the discipline and structure needed to excel in any career field. Our organization specializes in providing outreach to underrepresented youth from low-income families, embracing fully that overcoming adversity is a natural part of growth. Dealing with adversity (not only the physical tax, but the mental and emotional tax) is vital! Children and youth must be aware of their state of mind and be able to process their emotions through healthy outlets. Kalamazoo city’s disadvantaged youth are provided with a safe space and environment to express their struggles and resolve them by being surrounded with emotionally mature and educated mentors.
About Us
Kzoo LEADERs is a 501 c (3) nonprofit organization governed by the Board of Directors (“Board”) which works through consensus-building. Kzoo LEADERs defines unity as everyone working for the same objective on behalf of the organization. Individual board members have no authority or rights over the organization but must assume accountability for their own actions the governing body together has three main focus points:
- Direction - The board guards the mission of the organization and through guidelines, steers it in the right direction.
- Oversight - The board monitors the activities, the health, and the ethical behavior in the organization.
- Resources - The board ensures that the organization is well-equipped to fulfill its mission: adequate finances, capable staff, and an esteemed reputation.
• Executing with precision to meet their goals builds self-confidence. Success requires the ability to communicate with others, negotiate, and resolve conflicts. The exchange of timely information is vital in any activity one embarks upon. The power of information enables one to make informed and strategic decisions.
• When a child ventures into unknown territory, this experience can create apprehension and stress. The stress of the unknown can be debilitating. Confidence and knowledge help to alleviate stress. By instilling confidence every time, the opportunity presents itself, a child will grow stronger.
• Adversity is a natural part of growth. Dealing with not only the physical tax, but the mental and emotional tax is vital! Children and youth must be aware of their state of mind and be able to process their emotions through healthy outlets. Children and youth will be provided with a safe space and environment to express their struggles and resolve them by being surrounded with emotionally mature mentors.
• Facing and overcoming challenges develops a winning attitude. Exposing a child to different training techniques, various teaching styles, constant challenges as well as goal setting will make them better Leaders. Exposure to different things will stimulate an interest in a child that will elevate him/her to a level that has only been dreamed of.
• Positive Visualization/Meditation: Belief in one’s own dream will help them embrace change. Kzoo LEADERs will create diverse Leaders by engaging children and youth,while tapping into their individual talents. With this philosophy, the only choice is to LEAD!