Craig D. Union’s Full Bio
Dr. Craig D. Union served 21 years in the United States Navy as an Officer, graduated from the
United States Naval Academy in 1988 with a Bachelor of Science. In 2000 he graduated from
the University of West Florida with a Masters, Education Leadership with an emphasis in
Instructional Technology. In 2004 he graduated with a Master of Military Operational Art and
Science from Air Command and Staff College. In 2011 he graduated with his Ph.D. in
Educational Technology from Walden University. He has been a part of Kzoo LEADERs since
its inception in August 2008 in which he was the Master of Ceremony at the inaugural camp
graduation. In June 2008 he became an Independent Research, Educator, Consultant in the field
of Education Technology, at which time he worked with the youth in the school system teaching
them technology in the Greater Atlanta Area.
His leadership skills were developed as a leader of men, and he has transitioned those skills to
the youth. He served in Balad, Iraq (2006 - 2007), which taught him to lead under extreme
duress. He was responsible for the proper training, fielding and resource management of Navy
electronic warfare equipment for 2000 Army engineering troops in support of Operation Iraqi
Freedom. Awarded the Bronze Star for this effort. He served as Business Operations Officer -
Task Force Warrior, Norfolk, Virginia (2004 – 2006) where he was responsible for managing a
10 person staff responsible for day-to-day operations in the design, integration and training of a
web-based growth and development machine. He managed personnel career development,
training, staffing requirements, and a $4 Million Annual Operation Budget. He was the Training
Officer - USS NIMITZ (CVN 68), Norfolk, VA/San Diego, CA (2001 - 2003), for an operational
organization with 3,500 assigned personnel. He was responsible for indoctrination, staffing,
shipboard training, CBRNE training, counseling, problem resolution, and travel actions. He was
an Officer Recruiter/Instructor, Pensacola, FL (1994 - 2000) where he received the Commander,
Navy Recruiting Commands “MED STAR” for outstanding officer recruiting. He served as
course manager and primary instructor for 10 Officer Programs and Officer Processor courses.
Developed all lesson plans and powerpoint presentations to ensure all students had access to the
latest information. Nationally recognized expert in recruiting and hand selected to lead the
National Training Team. Finally, Dr. Union has successfully written 12 educational grants used
to buy portable technologies like eReaders and iPads; He has subsequently trained elementary
students and teachers on how to maximize remote learning.
Dr. Union has over 40 years of leadership training and experience, not including his high school
days at Albion High School, where he was a three-sport varsity athlete (Football, Basketball,
Baseball). He knows what it takes to develop the youth. He is a leader on a global scale and
Kzoo LEADERS has embraced his knowledge and looks to flourish in the future with his